Hispanic Workers with Disabilities in the Labor Force

Jackson Costa, David Rosenblum
The Office of Disability Employment Policy shares the latest in its ongoing series of data snapshots about different subgroups of people with disabilities.

Mine Safety Experts Gather for Game-Changing Training

Angela Blair
Safety experts from mines across the country are gathering at the National Mine Health and Safety Academy to improve their skills and infuse their training programs with new ideas and materials.

Protecting the Workers Who Supply Our Nation

Jim Frederick
Our country depends on the vital service farmworkers provide in feeding America’s workforce. OSHA is committed to ensuring that these workers remain safe and healthy.

Workers Want to Organize, and We Have Resources to Help

Lynn Rhinehart
A new website aimed at getting workers the information they want and need on unions and collective bargaining is the first of its kind online resource center, with information on unions, the union advantage, and more.

September 2022 Jobs Report: Strong and Steady

Secretary Marty Walsh
With 10 million jobs added since President Biden took office and an average of more than 370,000 per month over the last three months, this economy continues to produce strong and steady job growth that benefits workers and their families.

ILAB at 75: A New Era of Global Action on Labor Rights

Secretary Marty Walsh
At 75, the Bureau of International Labor Affairs is ushering in a new era of global action on labor rights, including the rights to freely choose a union and collectively bargain for better wages and working conditions.