Funding for Miners with Black Lung Disease Permanently Extended by the Inflation Reduction Act

Christopher J. Godfrey
With the permanent extension of the coal excise tax, President Biden has made a significant investment in the security of the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund for years to come.

Corrina’s Story - Safe Transportation for Farmworkers

Ruben Rosalez
The agricultural sector remains one of the most dangerous with hundreds of fatalities occurring each year, many related to transportation related incidents. The Wage and Hour Division is working hard to prevent these tragedies.

Strengthening and Diversifying the Cybersecurity Workforce

Brent Parton
Sept. 20 marks the halfway point for our four-month Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Sprint. To date, we've worked with 240+ organizations and 1,600 career seekers interested apprenticeship.

How We’re Ramping Up Our Enforcement of Surveillance Reporting

Jeffrey Freund
Federal law requires employers – management – and consultants to file “Surveillance Reports” to report certain expenditures and arrangements they make in connection with labor disputes.