If You See Something, Say Something: Prevent Harassment and Intimidation of Apprentices

Brent Parton
Registered Apprenticeship sponsors and employers are responsible for cultivating safe, welcoming and inclusive workplace environments that are free from discrimination, intimidation and harassment.

July Jobs Report: 2 New Milestones in our Economic Recovery

Joelle Gamble
The July jobs report marked two new milestones in the economic recovery: First, the number of Americans working exceeded the pre-pandemic number. Second, the unemployment rate is 3.5%, back to its pre-pandemic low.

How We’re Encouraging Miners to Get Vaccinated During National Immunization Awareness Month

Jeannette Galanis
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. This annual observance highlights the efforts of MSHA’s Miner Vaccination Outreach Program to protect miners against COVID-19 through vaccination. 

What to Expect from Your Employer When You’re Expecting: Maternal Health Series Offers New and Expectant Moms Vital Information

Jessica Looman, Wendy Chun-Hoon
The time to prioritize maternal health and protect the rights of working mothers is now. The health of our families, our communities and our economy depends on it. Coinciding with National Breastfeeding Month, U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division and Women’s Bureau will host representatives from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to kick off a year-long series of webinars and outreach events to ensure workers, worker advocates, health care providers and employers understand the workplace rights of new and expectant parents as well as employer responsibilities.