Celebrating Benefits.gov’s 20th Anniversary with a Technology Update

Rick Kryger
For 20 years, Benefits.gov has been the official benefits website of the United States federal government. It has helped millions of people find federal and state benefits, assess their eligibility and learn how to apply for those resources. This year, the Department of Labor and the Office of the Chief Information Officer celebrate the 20th anniversary of Benefits.gov.

If Not Now, When? Prioritizing Equity in Our Economic Recovery

Wendy Chun-Hoon

Last week, I traveled to Birmingham, Alabama, to meet with workers, community organizations and local officials and understand how the city is getting organized to center gender and racial equity as we emerge from the pandemic.

Skills – Leadership – Experience: Why Hiring America’s Veterans Makes Sense

Tim Winter
Every year, more than 200,000 service members transition out of the military. The transition experience can be full of unknowns and unexpected emotions. A common transition concern for many service members is how to find a new professional identity and navigate the civilian job world.  

20 Years Later, a Look a Back at the Quecreek Mine Rescue

Stan Michalek
On July 24, 2002, nine coal miners at the Quecreek #1 Mine site in Pennsylvania were trapped after mining activities breached an adjacent mine filled with water. For 77 hours, MSHA, state, and local rescuers worked successfully to rescue all nine men.

Creating Pathways for Women to Good Jobs

Sarah Jane Glynn
Read about the recent trips made by Secretary Walsh, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff and staff from the Women's Bureau. They made visits to Moore Community House in Jackson, Mississippi, Tools and Tiaras in New York and to Pennsylvania to visit WINC (Women In Nontraditional Careers) of Philadelphia Works.

Strong and Steady Growth: A Deep Dive into the Q2 Labor Market

Joelle Gamble
Strong, steady job growth is an apt description of the second quarter of U.S. labor market. Over the last three months, the economy added an average of 375,000 jobs per month.