Women’s History Month and the Labor Movement’s Role in Narrowing the Gender Pay Gap

Jeffrey Freund
Learn how higher levels of union membership promise to help reduce – and someday eliminate – gender inequity in our workplaces and deliver greater economic security for workers in our post-pandemic economy.

Women’s History Month: Honoring the Intersections of Disability and Diversity

Shirley J. Wilcher
Read about Harriet Tubman and Fannie Lou Hamer, two Black American women with disabilities who advanced freedom, democracy and human rights — the fundamental building blocks of equity and inclusion.

A Brief History of Women in Mining

Holly Armstrong
Throughout America’s history, women have played a critical role in mines and mining operations. During Women's History Month, we recognize the contributions women have made in the mining industry and their role in creating opportunities and better working conditions in mines.

Celebrating Rosie the Riveter

Wendy Chun-Hoon
On March 21, designated Rosie the Riveter Day, we honor the legacy of the women whose work supported the war effort and push for continued equity for women in nontraditional jobs.

Protecting Workers, Promoting Diversity and Enforcing the Law

Jenny R. Yang
Today we’re taking an important step to strengthen our ability to investigate and remedy employment discrimination by proposing to modify a final rule created by the previous administration.