For Black Women, Implicit Racial Bias in Medicine May Have Far-Reaching Effects

Joan Harrigan-Farrelly
Representation matters, and the absence of it has disparate, and sometimes disastrous, consequences. Find out how medical and academic institutions are tackling the Black maternal health crisis in the U.S.

How 20 Government Agencies and Offices are Working Together to Promote Worker Empowerment and Organizing

Lynn Rhinehart
We've been working with more than 20 Cabinet departments and White House agencies to find innovative ways to support worker organizing and collective bargaining. 

5 Facts About Unemployment Insurance Navigator Grants

Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, Michele Evermore
New grants are available to help states collaborate with community and worker organizations to improve their unemployment insurance systems, ensuring all workers have access to these critical benefits.

Year in Review: Office of Labor-Management Standards

Jeffrey Freund
See highlights of our work in 2021 – and what that work says about the state of the labor movement’s democratic and financial integrity.