Meeting Tech Challenges During a Pandemic

Gundeep Ahluwalia
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, public demand for information about the Department of Labor’s critical services has skyrocketed. With modernized infrastructure already in place, our Office of the Chief Information Officer swiftly responded to meet the new technology challenges.

Building Better Benefits Solutions for the Future

Suzi LeVine
With the resources the American Rescue Plan allocates towards shoring up and revamping our unemployment system, we are investing in a more equitable, secure and accessible safety net for America’s workers.

Exploring the Intersection of Black History and Disability Inclusion

Nakisha Pugh
Black Americans in the civil rights movement have had a significant influence on America’s disability rights movement, with some playing crucial roles in both efforts.

ODEP at 20: Driving Change through Accessible Technology

Nathan Cunningham
Full inclusion means employees with disabilities can access a range of necessary supports to excel and help their teams and businesses succeed – including technology.

Helping Working Black Women Reach Their Full Potential in the Workplace

Joan Harrigan-Farrelly
The Women’s Bureau has always been at the forefront of advocating for working women, including supporting racial equity and inclusion in the workplace through our initiatives and research.

A More Inclusive Economy is Key to Recovery

Janelle Jones
In every economic recession of the last 50 years, Black women have had higher unemployment rates than white men – and the recovery rates of Black men and women have been slower than white workers. Read how building a more inclusive economy benefits us all.

ODEP at 20: Driving Change and Creating Opportunity

Jennifer Sheehy
ODEP’s creation 20 years ago heralded an important shift in how we talk about disability and employment in America, one focused not on whether people with disabilities can work, but rather the strategies and supports that drive the change needed to make work happen.