Getting to Work: My First Week at the Department of Labor

Secretary Marty Walsh
I’ve been humbled by the warm welcome I’ve received and inspired by this department's commitment to supporting America's workers. I look forward to listening, collaborating and building partnerships across the country — and to sharing updates along the way.  

How the Triangle Fire Transformed Workplace Safety

Jim Frederick
One hundred and ten years ago, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire changed the course of worker safety in the U.S. Since then, we have helped transform America’s workplaces to ensure safe and healthful working conditions.

5 Facts About the State of the Gender Pay Gap

Janelle Jones
Here are five facts about the current status of working women in America that may shock you, but will hopefully inspire you to join our efforts to promote pay equity. 

Meeting Tech Challenges During a Pandemic

Gundeep Ahluwalia
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, public demand for information about the Department of Labor’s critical services has skyrocketed. With modernized infrastructure already in place, our Office of the Chief Information Officer swiftly responded to meet the new technology challenges.

Building Better Benefits Solutions for the Future

Suzi LeVine
With the resources the American Rescue Plan allocates towards shoring up and revamping our unemployment system, we are investing in a more equitable, secure and accessible safety net for America’s workers.