Every year, more than 200,000 service members transition out of the military. The transition experience can be full of unknowns and unexpected emotions. A common transition concern for many service members is how to find a new professional identity and navigate the civilian job world.
For 20-year U.S. Army veteran Allan Baros, this rang true.

“I worried about what the next chapter of my life would look like,” said Baros. “As did many of my brothers and sisters-in-arms. I had spent almost every day for 20 years training, supporting my team and putting the mission first,” he continued.
Transitioning service members and veterans have in-demand hard and soft skills and a demonstrated commitment to working hard, leading by example and performing under extreme pressure. Many veterans are also well versed in critical thinking, motivating others to accomplish organizational goals, project planning, team building, interpersonal skills, oral and written communication and more.
National Hire a Veteran Day, July 25, is a day dedicated to highlighting why veterans are valuable assets for companies and to encourage employers to hire them. Hiring veterans isn’t only the right thing to do: it allows companies to benefit from the value veterans can bring to the table after their service.
“When I retired from the Army, I thought it would be easy to find a job because of my time in the military,” said Baros. “I quickly learned that I needed to figure out how to translate my time in service to hiring managers in a way that reflected their hiring and organizational needs.”
For Baros, one of the main resources that helped him during his transition journey was the Transition Assistance Program. TAP’s information, tools and training help ensure service members and their spouses are prepared for the next step in civilian life. An added benefit of TAP is that service members transition from the military as better-prepared candidates for employment to the benefit of their future employers.
“The program helped me identify my main career goals and understand how my retirement would impact my family and me. I learned how to put my best foot forward in an interview and write an effective resume. I was provided with numerous valuable resources that I often reference today,” said Baros.
After transitioning in 2019 from his role as a Public Affairs Chief, he successfully translated the skills he learned in service into a job at a communications and marketing firm based in Washington, D.C.
“Transitioning to civilian life is a unique journey for every service member. I took it one day at a time, tapped into the resources that were available to me, and was confident enough to make the right career move because of it,” concluded Baros.
While National Hire a Veteran Day is only one day a year, countless veterans are looking for meaningful employment year-round.
Are you unsure about how to get started? Resources are readily available to support employers in recruiting, hiring and retaining veterans. VETS’ Employer Guide to Hiring Veterans provides a comprehensive overview of everything from veteran hiring best practices, to the Work Opportunity Tax Credit,to the HIRE Vets Medallion Program – a recognition program for employers of all sizes for their efforts in veteran employment.
Ready to be a military-ready employer? VETS has developed a list of comprehensive resources to help you get started.
For one-on-one assistance in connecting with resources to hire a veteran, you can also email
Tim Winter is the director for Transition Assistance Programs for the Veterans’ Employment and Training Service at the U.S. Department of Labor. Follow VETS on Twitter at @VETS_DOL.