EMPLEO: 20 years of fighting worker exploitation

Older and wiser, but not richer: The gender pay gap for older workers

Erin George, Gretchen Livingston
The gender pay gap is wider for older women, which means that while overall, women who work full-time, year-round are paid 84 cents for every dollar men are paid, women 50+ are paid 75 cents or less.

New tool connects miners with vital health resources

Jason Dittrich, Mike Pulsifer
OCIO worked collaboratively with the Mine Safety and Health Administration to develop a new tool that provides quick access to health services tailored to miners' unique needs.

Updated federal grant guidance will help create good jobs

Bart Sheard
Updated federal guidance gives state and local governments more tools to ensure efficient use of funds while advancing good jobs, equity in recruitment and hiring, and environmental sustainability.

The Olmstead effect: Celebrating 25 years of positive change

Taryn M. Williams
An overview of the progress in disability rights and protections since the landmark Supreme Court decision, particularly in competitive integrated employment.

All we really need to know we learned on the farm: A Pride Month celebration

Sora Song
ODEP’s Beth Loy shares her experience growing up in rural West Virginia seeking other people like her — a gay person living with anxiety. It was those early years that instilled in her the desire to thrive.