Expanding Access to Supportive Services for Care to Build the Workforce We Need

Diana Boesch, Elyse Shaw
The U.S. Department of Labor, in consultation with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is releasing Guidance on Supportive Services for Child Care and Long-Term Care

Empowering Women in the Trades

Kilah Engelke, Office of Public Affairs
Acting Secretary Su met Kilah Engelke, who began her career in the trades, and now, as a board member of the Wisconsin Regional Training Partnership and founder of EmpowHER, is working to help other women get into the trades. Read more on her story and her advice for other women.

Fighting for Fairness: Domestic Workers and the Fair Labor Standards Act

Katherine Eyster
Over the past century, domestic workers have fought to secure better working conditions and equal protections under the law. We remain committed to enforcing these hard-won protections and supporting the workers who support our families every day.

Unlocking the Power of Prevention in the Fight Against Cancer

Lisa M. Gomez
The Employee Benefits Security Administration is sharing three steps that show you how to manage your health and use your health coverage to help you and your family members prevent cancer.