During National Work and Family Month, we're highlighting the need for equitable practices in the workplace that support all working families. From paid family and medical leave to flexible work hours and access to quality child care, research shows policies that support a healthy work-life balance are good for workers and employers.
While there’s much more to be done to ensure working families have the support they need to thrive, here are five U.S. Department of Labor resources for working families:
Protections for pregnant and nursing workers
If you’re pregnant or nursing, explore our map to see what legal protections your state offers, such as protection against discrimination, and time and a private place to express milk.
Guidance on retirement and health plan benefits
If you have lost a job or are navigating major life changes – such as marriage, divorce or the birth of a child – we have guidance on your health and retirement plan rights and options.
Long COVID support
Many people who have had COVID-19 experience ongoing symptoms that make it difficult to do their jobs the same way as before. Even if your symptoms are temporary or episodic, you may qualify for accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act if you have long COVID.
Unpaid time off
Only 23% of private sector workers have access through their employer to paid family leave. If you are not one of them, you may be eligible for up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act to take care of your serious health condition or that of a family member. Our employee guide explains who is eligible and how to use FMLA leave. For questions about taking leave related to COVID-19, start here.
Career and training tools
Sometimes balancing the demands of work and family means finding a new job. Whether you’re interested in working from home, getting back to work or changing careers, CareerOneStop can help you find the right job – or the training and support you need to land the right job. Use the interest assessment, salary finder, resume guide and other tools to get started.