Winter Safety Checklist for Mines
David A. Steffey

MSHA is urging miners and mine operators to stay alert during winter months when cold temperatures mean increased safety hazards.
5 Good-Paying, Fast-Growing Careers in Sales
Emily Rolen

The outlook is bright for certain sales occupations. Find out which ones are projected to grow over the coming decade.
Apprenticeships Beyond Construction
Ryan Farrell,
Bill Lawhorn

Explore 10 occupations outside of construction with the largest numbers of active apprentices.
STEM Day: Explore Growing Careers
Emily Krutsch,
Victoria Roderick

STEM occupations are projected to grow by almost 11% by 2031, over two times faster than the total for all occupations. Here are 10 jobs that are likely to grow much faster than average.
3 Ways to Jump-Start Your Labor-Management Partnership Forum
Andrew Hasty,
Darnice Marsh

A Labor-Management Partnership Forum, sometimes referred to as a labor-management committee, serves a valuable purpose by allowing management and workers to sit down together and collaborate on important issues. However, like any recurring meeting, over time they can become stale or even feel counterproductive.
Honoring America’s Nuclear Weapons Program Workers
Rachel Pond

Every Oct. 30, we remember the sacrifices made by nuclear weapons workers and their family members in the interest of our national defense.
Empowering Future Leaders With Pathways to Better Opportunities
Office of Public Affairs

We spoke with Brianna, a graduate of the STRIVE Future Leaders program in New Orleans, on meeting her personal and professional goals.
Mine Rescue Teams are Critical to MSHA’s Mission
Melanie Calhoun

The work that mine rescue teams do across the country is not only critical to our mission – it saves lives.
Read This Before Submitting 2022 Injury and Illness Data
Dave Schmidt

Establishments in certain industries are required to report injuries and illnesses for each calendar year using OSHA's Injury Tracking Application, which has been updated. Find out what's different.