Advancing Labor-Management Partnership Initiative

Andrew Hasty, Darnice Marsh

A word cloud including the words cooperation, collaboration, mediation, bargaining, negotiations and more.At the Department of Labor’s Office of Labor-Management Standards, we’re committed to advancing labor-management transparency while ensuring workers have a voice in their workplaces.  

Investing in America's Workers: Q & A with Carlos Morales

Office of Public Affairs
Carlos Morales met Labor Secretary Marty Walsh during a Secretary trip to California and shared his experience as an industrial maintenance electrician apprentice. We asked Carlos more about his path from warehouse worker - earning just enough to pay bills - to a thriving apprenticeship with a bright future ahead.  

Building Communities of Partnerships in New England

Dana Kelly
When the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations and Management, Margarita Devlin, visited the Boston Region Department of Labor Veterans’ Employment and Training Service team, it was clear their sense of teamwork contributed immensely to their success. The Boston Region Department of Labor Veteran Employment and Training Services team is committed to doing everything they can to ensure that veterans can enjoy long-term employment and a better quality of life. 

Stay Out, Stay Alive: Active and abandoned mine sites are dangerous, potentially fatal

Stephen Gigliotti
Each year, dozens of people are injured or killed while exploring, swimming or playing at a mine property. Active and abandoned mine sites all pose serious risks to people untrained and unfamiliar with the site.

Skills – Leadership – Experience: Why Hiring America’s Veterans Makes Sense

Tim Winter
Every year, more than 200,000 service members transition out of the military. The transition experience can be full of unknowns and unexpected emotions. A common transition concern for many service members is how to find a new professional identity and navigate the civilian job world.  

20 Years Later, a Look a Back at the Quecreek Mine Rescue

Stan Michalek
On July 24, 2002, nine coal miners at the Quecreek #1 Mine site in Pennsylvania were trapped after mining activities breached an adjacent mine filled with water. For 77 hours, MSHA, state, and local rescuers worked successfully to rescue all nine men.

July is Extreme Heat Month: Know the Warning Signs of Heat-Related Illness on Mining Sites

Stephen Gigliotti
All workers – and supervisors in particular – need to recognize the conditions of a “hot” job and should be provided heat-stress training on worker risk, prevention, symptoms, monitoring, treatment and personal protective equipment.